Creates an effect that animates shapes on the display element.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Shape Source - Selects option for determining how shapes are added or removed. Options include None, Create Shapes from Mark Collection, Remove shapes from Mark Collection.
Mark Collection - Selects the mark collection for determining when to add or remove shapes as determined by the Shape Source setting.
Type - Selects the type of shape to display. There are built-in shapes organized by the following categories Geometric, Christmas, Halloween. There is also a File option to import a shape from an svg file.
File - Display a file selection dialog to select an svg file to use for the shape. This setting is only available when File Type is selected.
Geometric Shapes - Selects one of the built-in geometric shapes to animate.
Christmas Shapes - Selects one of the built-in Christmas themed shapes to animate.
Halloween Shapes - Selects one of the built-in Halloween themed shapes to animate.
Movement - Configures how shapes behave when reaching the edge of the display element between None, Bounce or Wrap.
Fade Type - Selects the type of shape fade type from None, In, Out or Random.
Size Mode - Selects how the shape changes size between Shrink, Grow, and Random.
Size - Determines the size of the shapes.
Size Variation - Randomly adjusts the shape size around the Size level by the amount of variation.
Count - Controls the number of shapes to be displayed.
Size Change - Enable increase/decrease of shape size based on size variation.
Scale To Grid - Sizes the shape to fill the display element. Shape motion is disabled with this option.
Random Angle - Randomly configures the rotation of the shape.
Random Size - Randomly adjusts the shape size.
Fill Color - Fills the shape with the Fill Color.
Shape Settings
Outline Dash Length - Controls the outline dash length of the shape, used with the Outline Space Length to draw the shape.
Outline Space Length - Controls the outline space length of the shape, used with the Outline Dash Length setting to draw the shape.
Outline Thickness - Controls the thickness of the shape outline.
Rounded Corners - Add rounded corners to the Geometric shapes.
Speed Settings
Speed - Controls the speed of the shape moving on the display element.
Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the speed around the Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Size Speed - Controls how fast the shape grows or shrinks.
Size Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the size speed around the Size Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Angle Speed - Controls the rotation speed of the shape.
Angle Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the rotation speed around the Angle Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Fill Colors 1 - Controls the fill color of the shapes.
Outline Colors - Controls the outline color of the shapes.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Video Tutorial
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