Free Form Mode


The free form mode of the morph effect allows the user to draw an unlimited number of shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines) in the polygon editor.  Each shape can be configured separately from the Morph effect settings.  Polygons in this mode can have an unlimited number of points, however the wipe fill type is limited to four points.  Solid polygons are useful in layering operations when combined with other effects.

  • Fill Type - Determines how the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) is filled (Wipe, Solid, or Outline).

    • Wipe - This fill type performs a wipe effect across the shape for the duration of the effect.  The wipe is colored with head and tail color gradient.
    • Solid - This fill type fills the shape using the Polygon Color gradient.  This fill type is useful for when using the shape as a layering mask.
    • Outline - This fill type outlines the shape using the Polygon Color gradient.

Solid or Outlined Shapes

  • Polygon Color - Determines the color of the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) for the duration of the effect.

  • Polygon Intensity - Controls the brightness of the shape for the duration of the effect.

  • Label – This is a user editable text field that helps to identify which shape are which in the Morph effect collection of polygons.   These labels are visible in both the Morph effect settings and in the Polygon Editor.

Wipe Shapes

  • Head Length – Determines the length of the head wipe in pixels.

  • Head Duration – Determines the percentage of the effect duration it takes the wipe head to travel across the shape (polygon/ellipse.line).

  • Acceleration – Determines the acceleration of the shape’s (polygon/ellipse/line) wipe.  The acceleration can be either increasing or decreasing (deceleration).

  • Head Color – Determines the wipe head color over the duration of the effect.

  • Head Intensity – Controls the brightness of the head wipe over the duration of the effect.

  • Tail Color – Determines the wipe tail color over the duration of the effect.

  • Tail Intensity – Controls the brightness of the tail wipe over the duration of the effect.

  • Start Offset – Determines when the wipe starts.  This offset is the percentage of the effect’s total duration to wait before starting the wipe.

  • Label – This is a user editable text field that helps to identify which shape are which in the Morph effect collection of polygons.   These labels are visible in both the Morph effect settings and in the Polygon Editor.

Last modified January 29, 2023: Morph Effect Help (b9b8a1b)