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Pixel Lighting
- 1: Balls
- 2: Bars
- 3: Border
- 3.1: Advanced Mode
- 3.2: Marquee Mode
- 3.3: Simple Mode
- 4: Butterfly
- 5: Circles
- 6: Colorwash
- 7: Count Down
- 8: Curtain
- 9: Fire
- 10: Fireworks
- 11: Garlands
- 12: Glediator
- 13: Life
- 14: Liquid
- 15: Meteors
- 16: Morph
- 16.1: Basics
- 16.2: Free Form Mode
- 16.3: Pattern Mode
- 16.4: Time Based Mode
- 17: Pattern
- 18: Picture
- 19: Pinwheel
- 20: Plasma
- 21: Shapes
- 22: Shockwave
- 23: Snowflakes
- 24: Snowstorm
- 25: Spiral
- 26: Spirograph
- 27: Text
- 28: Tree
- 29: Vertical Meter
- 30: Video
- 31: VU Meter
- 32: Wave
- 33: Waveform
- 34: Whirlpool
1 - Balls
Creates an effect that animates Ball looking shapes.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Type - Configures how balls behave when reaching the edge of the display element between Bounce or Wrap.
Fill - Selects the type of fill for the balls between Fade, Empty, Solid, Gradient, and Inverse.
Speed - Configures the speed of the moving balls.
Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the speed of the moving balls around the Speed level by the amount of variation.
Size - Size of the balls.
Ball Count - Controls the number of balls displayed.
Random Time - Configures the maximum time used to detrmine when the ball direction changes. This setting only applies when Random Movement is selected.
Random Movement - Randomly changes the ball direction at random times.
Random Radius - Creates random size balls up to the Size value.
Collide - Change the ball direction when balls collide.
Collide Color - Change the ball color when balls collide.
- Gradients - Controls the colors of the balls.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
2 - Bars
Creates an effect that animates bars on a display element. This effect works the best on a matrix with a large pixel count.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Bar Type - Selects either a Flat or an angled Zig Zag styled bar.
Direction - Sets the direction of bar movement.
- Moves Up - The bars move in a upward direction.
- Moves Down - The bars move in a downward direction.
- Compress - The bars move in a motion that looks like they are compressing in the middle.
- Expands - The bars move outward from the center.
- Moves Left - The bars move from right to left.
- Moves Right - The bars move from left to right.
- Horizontal Compress - The bars move in a motion that looks like they are compressing in the middle.
- Horizontal Expand - The bars move outward from the display element center.
- Alternate Up - The bars move up in an alternating fashion.
- Alternate Down - The bars move down in an alternating fashion.
- Alternate Left - The bars move left in an alternating fashion.
- Alternate Right - The bars move right in an alternating fashion.
Rotation: The rotation of the bars. The bars can rotate in either direction using the following mapping to the curve:
- 100 - 180 Degrees (Counter Clockwise)
- 75 - 90 Degrees (Counter Clockwise)
- 50 - No Rotation
- 25 - 90 Degrees (Clockwise)
- 0 - 180 Degrees (Clockwise)
Motion - Determines the how the motion of the bars is controlled by selecting either Iterations or Speed.
Iterations The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
Speed - Determines how fast the bars moves.
Repeat - Determines how times the color bars are repeated on the display element. This indirectly determines the thickness of the bars.
Highlight: Creates a white highlighted leading edge on each bar. This may not be highly visible in some cases using locations.
Highlight %: Controls the percentage of the bar that is highlighted white. Setting only available in Location mode.
3D: Makes each color appear as a gradient fading to black. This is a legacy function, consider using gradients instead.
- Gradients: This is where you set the colors of the bars.The number and order of the colors here will be how they are applied in the effect. The list supports gradients of solid, or varying colors.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect.
Zig Zag Configuration
Amplitude: Controls the height of the zig zag’s crest.
Period: Controls the width or wave length of the zig zag.
Thickness: Controls the thickness of the zig zag.
Spacing: Controls the blank area between each zig zag color.
Video Tutorial
3 - Border
Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a border.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Border Mode - Selects the type of border.
- Simple - This border mode provides a uniform border around the display element.
- Advanced - This border mode provides advanced control over the size and width of the border.
- Marquee - This border mode provides moving bands of color moving around the display element.
This border mode also has special render levels that make visually interesting patterns on mega-trees.
Video Tutorial
3.1 - Advanced Mode
Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a border with advanced configuration controls.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Border Mode - Selects between Simple, Advanced, or Marquee borders.
Border Type - Selects between Single or Independent border width control.
Single border type makes all the sides of the display element a uniform thickness.
Thickness - Adjusts the thickness of the border. Applies when Single Border Type is selected.
Top Width - Adjusts the top border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.
Bottom Width - Adjusts the bottom border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.
Left Width - Adjusts the left border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.
Right Width - Adjusts the right border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.
Width - Configures the width of the border.
Height - Configures the height of the border.
X Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the X axis.
Y Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the Y axis.
Gradient Mode - Configures how the Color Gradient is applied to the border (Over Time, Across Element, Vertically Across Element, Diagonal Bottom-Top Element, Diagonal Top-Bottom Element).
Color Gradient - Controls the colors of the border.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
3.2 - Marquee Mode
Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a marquee border.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Border Mode - Selects between Simple, Advanced, or Marquee borders. Refer to the links below for more information on each of the Border Modes.
Render Level - Controls how the marquee is rendered (Level 0, Level 1, or Level 2).
- Level 0 - (default) renders the effect as a normal matrix outlining it with a border.
- Level 1 - Converts the matrix into a single strand of pixels. The single strand is created by looping back and forth.
- Level 2 - Converts the maxrix into a single stand of pixels. The single strand is created by always starting on the left side of the matrix.
Render Levels 1 and 2 provide visually interesting patterns when this effect is placed on a mega-tree and other props.
Thickness - Controls the width of the marquee border as a percentage of the display element.
Stagger - Controls the offset between each band of pixels in the marquee border as a percentage of the display element. The Thickness needs to greater than 1 pixel for this control to be visible.
Band Length - Controls the size of the marquee color bands as a percentage of the display element.
Skip Length - Controls the size of the blank area between marquee color bands as a percentage of the display element.
Reverse - Toggles the direction of the marquee movement.
X-Size - Determines the size of the marquee along the x-axis.
Y-Size - Determines the size of the marquee along the y-axis.
X Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the X axis.
Y Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the Y axis.
** Wrap X Axis ** - Allows the marquee to wrap around the display element on the x-axis.
** Wrap Y Axis ** - Allows the marquee to wrap around the display element on the y-axis.
- Color Gradient - Controls the color of the bands that make up the marquee.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
3.3 - Simple Mode
Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a simple border.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
- Border Mode - Selects between Simple, Advanced, or Marquee borders.
- Width - Controls the thickness of the border.
Gradient Mode - Configures how the Color Gradient is applied to the border (Over Time, Across Element, Vertically Across Element, Diagonal Bottom-Top Element, Diagonal Top-Bottom Element).
Color Gradient - Controls the colors of the border.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
4 - Butterfly
Creates a pulsing effect reminiscent of the flapping wings of a butterfly.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Butterfly Type - Allows you to choose between different movement patterns. Different patterns may be suitable for different element group types.
- Pulsing Circle
- Pulsing Grid of Circles
- Alternating Inverted Boxes
- Flapping Wings
Direction - Changes the direction in which the pattern moves. This is more evident on the linear Butterfly types than it is on the pulsing or oscillating types.
- Forward
- Backword
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time.
- Iterations - Displays the Iterations slider to specify the number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
- Speed - Displays a Speed Curve for configuring the speed of the pattern over the duration of the effect.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
Speed - Controls the speed of the repeating pattern over the duration of the effect.
Repeat - The number of times the pattern repeats in each iteration.
Background Skips - The number of time the background is skipped per pattern
Background Chunks - Divides the background into a number of chunks for a “broken up” pattern.
Color Scheme - Controls the color scheme used for the effect.
- Gradient - Uses the gradient defined below to set the colors for the effect.
- Rainbow - Uses a fixed rainbow color palette for the effect.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
5 - Circles
Creates an effect that animates concentric circles.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Fill - Selects the type of fill for the circles between Fade, Empty, Gradient Over Time, and Gradient Over Element.
Direction - Configures the movement of the circles between either In or Out.
Speed - Configures the speed of the radially pattern of the circles.
Size - Controls the size of the concentric circles.
Circles - Controls the number of circles displayed.
Horizontal Offset - Controls the center positioning of the effect in the horizontal plane.
Vertical Offset - Controls the center positioning of the effect in the vertical plane.
- Gradients - Controls the color of the effect.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
6 - Colorwash
Creates an effect that washes colors over the display element.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Type - Selects between pattern variations.
- Center
- Outer
- Invert
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time between Speed and Iterations.
- Iterations - Displays the Iterations slider to specify the number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
- Speed - Displays a Speed Curve for configuring the speed of the pattern over the duration of the effect.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the timespan of the effect.
Speed - Controls the speed of the colors washing over the prop.
Horizontal Fade - Adds a horizontal fade to the color wash pattern.
Vertical Fade - Adds a vertical fade across the color wash pattern.
Shimmer - Adds a flashing/strobing effect as the color fades.
- Color Gradient - Controls the color of the wash for the duration of the effect.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
7 - Count Down
Creates an effect that displays a count down on a display element.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Count Type - Controls how the effect counts (To end of effect, Down from time, Up from time).
Time Format - Controls the units of the count down (Minutes or Seconds).
Fade - Controls how the count down numbers appear (None, In, Out, In/Out)
Size Mode - Controls whether the text shrinks or grows as the numbers are displayed (None, Shrink, Grow).
Start Time - Field is only available when the Count Type is set to Down from time or Up from time. This initializes where the effect will count from.
Font - Specifies the font, style and size to be used. You may use any font installed on the PC. Note that the fonts used must be installed on any PC where you will transfer this sequence.
Film Spinner - Adds a film spinner around the number. This feature works best on a medium to high resolution matrix.
Direction - Controls the direction of the effect (Left, Right, Up, Down, Rotate, None, Random).
Angle - When enabled, controls the angle of the count down over the duration of the effect. This field is only available when the Direction is set to Rotate.
Horizontal Offset - This is used to offset the center of the count down horizontally on the grid. Since this is a curve it can be used to move the center over the duration of the effect.
Vertical Offset - The vertical offset. This is used to offset the center of the count down vertically on the grid. Since this is a curve it can be used to move the center over the duration of the effect.
Center Stop - When enabled, causes the count down number to stop at the center of the grid. This field is only available when the Direction is set to Left, Right, Up, or Down.
Movement per number - When enabled, the count down number moves as specified by the Direction over the grid for each number. This field is only available when the Direction is set to Left, Right, Up, or Down.
Iterations - When enabled, controls how fast the count down moves.
This field is only available when the Direction is set to Left, Right, Up, or Down. This field is not applicable when Movement per number is selected.
Text Color Gradients - One or more gradients used to color the count down number and when enabled the film spinner.
Gradient Mode - Specifies how gradients will be applied to the text. There are 8 combinations of direction and how it’s applied. The gradient can be applied across the letters of the text, or across the whole element group. If it’s across the letters, the gradient will stay with the text. If it is across the element, it will appear that the text travels through the colors of the gradient.
Film Spinner Gradients - One or more gradients used to color the film spinner background swipe.
Film Spinner Gradient Mode - Specifies how gradients will be applied to the film spinner background swipe (Across Text, Vertical Across Text, Vertical Across Element, Diagonal Across Text, Diagonal Across Element, Reverse Diagonal Across Element, Reverse Diagonal Across Text)
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve for the count down over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Video Tutorial
8 - Curtain
Creates an effect that imitates a curtain opening or closing across your display element.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Direction - Selects the direction of the movement (Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open).
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time between Position or _Iterations.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
Edge - Selects the position where the curtain opens from (Left, Center, Right, Bottom, Middle, Top).
Swag - Controls the amount of swag on the moving curtain edge. (simulating the inertial curving movement of drapery in motion).
- Color Gradient - The color of the curtain.
Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve for over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Intensity Per Iteration - Adjust the intensity over each iteration.
9 - Fire
Creates an effect that simulates burning fire.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Location - Selects the side of the grid for the base of the fire (Bottom, Top, Left, Right).
Height - Adjusts the flame height. This parameter is a curve that allows you to vary the height over the duration of the effect.
- Hue Shift - Adjusts the color of the flame as a hue shift from normal fire colors.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve for over the duration of the effect.� This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
10 - Fireworks
Creates an effect that simulates fireworks bursting in the sky. You can select to use random Fireworks, Fireworks to the Audio track or Fireworks to Marks in a Mark collection.
Fireworks Source - Selects what source is used to determine explosions (Standard Random Explosions, Mark Collections, Audio)
Explosions - The number of bursts over the duration of the effect.
Random Velocity - Allows you to specify either a fixed velocity (speed) of the bursts when not checked, or when checked, a random velocity for each burst within a range from min to max.
Min Velocity - Lower bound on the random burst velocity.
Max Velocity - Upper bound on the random burst velocity.
Velocity - Controls the velocity of the particls when Random Velocity is not selected.
Random Particles - Controls the number of particles in each burst. If checked, allows you specify a maximum and minimum to define a range for particle count for each burst. If not checked, allows you to specify a fixed number of particles for all bursts.
Min Particles - Lower bound on the number of random particles.
Max Particles - Upper bound on the number of random particles.
Particles - Controls how many particles will be created for each explosion when not using Random Particles.
Color Type - Selects the type of color explosions between (Standard Bursts, RainBow Particles, Range Particles, Palette Particles, Random Bursts).
Colors - Allows you to define one or more colors or gradients for the bursts. By defining multiple colors, you can allow for independent bursts of different colors. If you use gradients rather than solid colors, you can have individual bursts that change from one color to another.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Video Tutorial
11 - Garlands
Creates an effect that simulates filling the grid by wrapping it with garland. This effect is best suited on megatree type props.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time between Iterations or Speed.
Movement Type - Selects whether the movement is based on iterations or speed.
Direction - Sets the direction of the movement (Up, Down, Left, Right).
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.� This is only available when movement type is set to Iterations.
Speed - The amount of time for one iteration of the effect.� If the speed is set to a point where one iteration is less than the duration of the effect, it will repeat with one or more additional iterations.� This parameter is only available when movement type is set to Speed.
Garland Type - Selects between different styles of garland.
Spacing - Adjusts the distance between the strings of garland.
- Gradients - Specify one or more colors/gradients to be applied across the prop.� The colors are applied starting with the last color in the list filling the side where the direction is set and follows through to the first color in the list on the other side of the prop
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect.� This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
12 - Glediator
Creates an effect that is used to import effects created with the Glediator application. More information on glediator can be found at: Glediator Website and Download
Notes: You will need to change the Glediator Matrix size to match the Vixen matrix size you are using the effect on.
Jinx! can be used to create files to import to this effect also. In Jinx!, you will need to specify to output to Glediator file, which writes an .out file after starting output in Jinx! It is the .out file that you rename to .gled and then Vixen can read it using the Glediator effect.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Movement Type - Select between Iterations or Speed. When set to iterations, the Iterations slider will adjust the number of times the pattern will repeat over the duration of the effect. When Movement Type is set to Speed, the Speed slider will control the speed of each iteration.
Iterations - Controls how many times the pattern repeats over the timespan.
Speed - Controls the speed of the pattern.
- File Name - Selects the Glediator file you wish to use.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
13 - Life
The Life effect is a random particle growth type effect. It is designed to imitate colonies of microbes as they replicate and grow. When set to a high cell start count, it resembles old fashioned TV snow. When set to a low Cell Start count, it can be made to somewhat resemble confetti.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Speed - The speed at which the particles progress.
Cells to Start - The number of pixels or “colonies” at the beginning of the effect.
Type - This applies different variations to the growth pattern.
- Gradients - One or more colors/gradients used randomly for each particle.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
14 - Liquid
Creates an effect that leverages the Google Liquid Fun library to simulate fluid movement. This effect can produce unique liquid patterns if the settings are finely tuned. This effect works the best on a matrix with a large pixel count.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Render Scale Factor - Determines the factor used to scale the Liquid matrix to the sparse matrix formed by the selected elements. The scale factor can improve how the effect renders in a sparse location based matrix since the liquid particles are larger.
Top Barrier - Creates a barrier at the top of the display area. This barrier prevents the liquid particles from leaving the top of the display area.
Bottom Barrier - Creates a barrier at the bottom of the display area. This barrier prevents the liquid particles from falling out of the element.
Left Barrier - Creates a barrier at the left side of the display area. This barrier prevents the liquid particles from leaving the left side of the display area.
Right Barrier - Creates a barrier on the right side of the display area. This barrier prevents the liquid particles from leaving the right side of the element.
Mix Colors - When selected liquid particles of different colors will combine colors when the particles collide or come into contact with each other.
Particle Size - Defines the radius of all particles in the effect.
Warm Up Frames - Runs the Liquid engine for the specified number of frames before rendering the effect. This setting is useful if you want a large number of particles in the display area at the beginning of the effect.
Despeckle Threshold - This setting helps fill in empty (speck) pixels in the effect by filling them in with the average color of the surrounding pixels if the number of surrounding empty (black) pixels is less than the threshold.
Emitters - This list defines the emitters in the effect. Emitters can be added or removed via buttons at the bottom of the list.
Particle Type - Determines the type of particle created by the emitter. The differences between the types is very subtle. Powder is the one type that produces a different behavior that is visually discernible.
Use Color List - When selected this option controls the color of the particles created by the emitter. The particles will cycle through the colors in the list for configurable number of frames.
Frames Per Color - Determines how many frames of particles are created for each color in the list.
Particle Color - Determines the color of the emitter’s liquid particles
Particle Intensity - Determines the brightness of the emitter’s liquid particles.
Particle Lifetime - Determines how long the emitter’s particles exist.
Particle Velocity - Determines the speed of the particles emitting from the emitter.
Animate - This option animates the position of the emitter within the element.
Random Start - Controls whether the animated emitter’s start position is random. When selected the initial start position of the emitter is randomized to a position on the display element.
X Start Position - Controls the X starting position of the emitter. Zero is the far left of the display element. 100 is the far right of the display element.
Y Start Position - Controls the Y starting position of the emitter. Zero is the bottom of the display element. 100 is the top of the display element.
Edge Handling - This option controls how the emitters behave when they reach the edge of the display area.
- Bounce setting causes the emitter to bounce off the edge of the display area.
- Wrap setting causes the emitter to wrap around from the other side of the display area.
Velocity X - Controls the speed of the emitter in the X axis when animated.
Velocity Y - Controls the speed of the emitter in the Y axis when animated.
X Position - Controls the position of the emitter on the display area in the X axis.
Y Position - Controls the position of the emitter on the display area in the Y axis.
Nozzle Size - Controls the size of the area the particles are released from the emitter. The smaller the nozzle the more the particles go in different directions. The larger the nozzle the more the particles go in a straight line.
Nozzle Movement - Controls how the position of the emitter’s nozzle is determined.
- Fixed Angle - Angle determine by a curve
- Oscillate - Oscillates back and forth between two angular stops.
- Spin Clockwise - Spins clockwise for the duration of the effect
- Spin Counter Clockwise - Spins clockwise for the duration of the effect
Nozzle Angle - Controls the angle of the emitter’s nozzle.
- 0 - Points Right (0 Degrees)
- 25 - Points Up (90 Degrees)
- 50 - Points Left (180 Degrees)
- 75 - Points Down (270 Degrees)
- 100 - Points Right (360 Degrees)
Oscillate Start Angle - Defines the starting angle of the oscillation.
Oscillate End Angle - Defines the end angle of the oscillation. This is the point where the nozzle will reverse the direction of rotation.
Nozzle Speed - Determines the emitter’s nozzle rotation speed.
Flow Control - This drop down determines the continuity of the liquid flow.
- Continuous - Solid flow of liquid.
- Pulsating - Solid flow for a number of seconds followed by a period where the emitter if off for a number of seconds.
- Use Marks - Uses a mark collection to determine when the emitter is On. The emitter will be Off when not covered by a mark.
- Musical - Uses the volume of the music associated with the sequence to determine the flow rate. As the volume in the music gets louder the flow of the emitter increases.
Flow - Controls the rate of particles emitted by the emitter.
Mark Collection - Selects the Mark Collection to use to determine when the emitter is emitting (On).
On Time (ms) - Controls the number of milliseconds the emitter is emitting in 50 ms increments.
Off Time (ms) - Controls the number of milliseconds the emitter is off in 50ms increments.
15 - Meteors
Creates an effect that simulates falling meteors. Can also be used to create an explosion, or a swarm of flies.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Motion - Controls the type of meteor between (Falling, Random, and Explode).
Direction - The direction of movement of the meteors.
Speed - The speed at which all meteors move (available when Random motion is not selected)
Speed Variation - Allows you to add a bit of dynamic variation to the meteors. This value combines with the Speed setting to allow each meteor to use a random speed. The random speed will only deviate from the base speed by the amount of variation set here.
Count - The number of meteors.
Tail Length - The length of the meteor tail.
Tail Taper - Controls the brightness taper of the meteor tails.
Start Position - Determines where the meteors will start from (Random, Random the Zero Position, Zero Position)
Meteor Effects - Applies special motion effects to the movement of the Meteors
Movement - Adjusts the type of movement (None, Bounce, Wrap, Speed, Wobble, Wobble Both Directions).
Ground Level - Adds a ground level for the meteors to hit.
GroundLevel - A curve that establishes the ground level over the duration of the effect.
Flip Direction - Flips the directions the meteors will move.
Count Per String - Generates meteors for each string.
Color Type - Selects how colors are applied to the effect.
- Rainbow - Uses random colors on all meteors and their tails
- Range - Uses one solid color for each meteor. The colors are chosen from a range between the colors/gradients in the gradient list.
- Palette - Uses one solid color for each meteor. The colors are chosen from the specific colors/gradients in the gradient list. If the colors in the list are gradients, only the starting color is used.
- Gradient - Uses one gradient for each meteor. The gradients are chosen from the specific colors/gradients in the gradient list.
Gradients: The colors/gradient list used by the effect. See the color type above for how the colors/gradients are applied.
Ground Color - Determines the color of the ground. Only visible if the Ground Level curve is non-zero.
- Intensity - his is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
16 - Morph
16.1 - Basics
Create an effect morphs shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines) on the display element(s). This effect works the best on a matrix or mega-tree with a large pixel count. This effect can be used as a standalone effect but also can be used as a layering mask along with other effects.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Polygon Configuration
Polygon Type - Determines the mode of the morph effect.
- Pattern - This mode was inspired by other sequencers. This mode is restricted to using four point polygons, ellipses or lines. This mode includes settings that allow the user to repeat a shape (polygon/ellipse/line) several times across the display element. Repeating the shape establishes a repeating pattern. _
- Free Form - This mode allows the user to draw an unlimited number of shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines) on the display element. There is no limit to the number of polygon points used. _
- Time Based - This mode allows the user to draw a shape (polyon/ellipse/line) and then morph it over the duration of the effect. The only restriction on the number of polygon points is that all polygon frames must have the same number of points. In this mode the user creates frames and positions them within the time scale of the effect. The user is in control of how the shape moves or changes shape by creating the frame snapshots.
Both the Free Form and Time Based modes are candidates to be used with layering and other effects to create unique composite effects.
Each mode of the morph effect has a dedicated help page:
Fill Type - Determines how the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) is filled (Wipe, Solid, Outline).
Margin - By default the polygon editor associated with the Morph effect only allows the user to draw on the display element. The Margin defaults to zero (percent). By increasing the Margin a larger virtual display element is created for the purposes of drawing shapes. When a margin is in use the actual display element is outlined in red. When the effect is rendered only the portion of shapes that overlap the red outline will be displayed. The margin setting is especially useful for Time Based Mode. It can be used to animate a shape that enter and exits the display element smoothly. The margin is a percentage of the display element width and height (0 - 100%).
Video Tutorial
16.2 - Free Form Mode
The free form mode of the morph effect allows the user to draw an unlimited number of shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines) in the polygon editor. Each shape can be configured separately from the Morph effect settings. Polygons in this mode can have an unlimited number of points, however the wipe fill type is limited to four points. Solid polygons are useful in layering operations when combined with other effects.
Fill Type - Determines how the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) is filled (Wipe, Solid, or Outline).
- Wipe - This fill type performs a wipe effect across the shape for the duration of the effect. The wipe is colored with head and tail color gradient.
- Solid - This fill type fills the shape using the Polygon Color gradient. This fill type is useful for when using the shape as a layering mask.
- Outline - This fill type outlines the shape using the Polygon Color gradient.
Solid or Outlined Shapes
Polygon Color - Determines the color of the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) for the duration of the effect.
Polygon Intensity - Controls the brightness of the shape for the duration of the effect.
Label – This is a user editable text field that helps to identify which shape are which in the Morph effect collection of polygons. These labels are visible in both the Morph effect settings and in the Polygon Editor.
Wipe Shapes
Head Length – Determines the length of the head wipe in pixels.
Head Duration – Determines the percentage of the effect duration it takes the wipe head to travel across the shape (polygon/ellipse.line).
Acceleration – Determines the acceleration of the shape’s (polygon/ellipse/line) wipe. The acceleration can be either increasing or decreasing (deceleration).
Head Color – Determines the wipe head color over the duration of the effect.
Head Intensity – Controls the brightness of the head wipe over the duration of the effect.
Tail Color – Determines the wipe tail color over the duration of the effect.
Tail Intensity – Controls the brightness of the tail wipe over the duration of the effect.
Start Offset – Determines when the wipe starts. This offset is the percentage of the effect’s total duration to wait before starting the wipe.
Label – This is a user editable text field that helps to identify which shape are which in the Morph effect collection of polygons. These labels are visible in both the Morph effect settings and in the Polygon Editor.
16.3 - Pattern Mode
The pattern mode of the morph effect assists the user in drawing repeated shapes on a display element. In this mode the user draws one shape using the Polygon Editor. Then in the Morph Effect settings configures how the shape should be repeated. The user is able to determine in what direction to repeat the shape and how many times to repeat it.
This mode can also be used to seed the Free Form mode. The user can create a repeating pattern of shapes and switch the effect to Free Form mode and the shapes will be retained. Once in Free Form mode the user can configure settings on each of the shapes individually.
Polygon Configuration
Fill Type - Determines how the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) is filled (Wipe, Solid, or Outline).
- Wipe - This fill type performs a wipe effect across the shape for the duration of the effect. The wipe is colored with head and tail color gradient.
- Solid - This fill type fills the shape using the Polygon Color gradient. This fill type is useful for when using the shape as a layering mask.
- Outline - This fill type outlines the shape using the Polygon Color gradient.
Edit Polygons - Select this button to display the polygon editor to draw polygons, ellipses and lines on the display element.
Pattern Configuration
Repeat Count – Determines how many times to repeat the shape (polygon/ellipse/line).
Repeat Direction – Determines the direction of the repeating pattern of shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines).
Repeat Skip – Determines the spacing in-between the repeating shapes (polygons/ellipses/lines).
Stagger – Determines if the start time of the wipe is staggered for the repeating polygons/ellipses/lines.
Wipe Configuration
Head Length – Determines the length of the head wipe in pixels.
Head Duration – Determines the percentage of the effect duration it takes the wipe head to travel across the shape (polygon/ellipse.line).
Head Color – Determines the wipe head color over the duration of the effect.
Head Intensity – Controls the brightness of the head wipe over the duration of the effect.
Tail Color – Determines the wipe tail color over the duration of the effect.
Tail Intensity – Controls the brightness of the tail wipe over the duration of the effect.
Acceleration – Determines the acceleration of the shape’s (polygon/ellipse/line) wipe. The acceleration can be either increasing or decreasing (deceleration).
16.4 - Time Based Mode
The time based mode of the morph effect allows the user to draw a shape and then morph that shape during the effect. The user is required to draw at least two snapshots of the shape. These two shapes become the start shape and the end shape. The effect will linearly move the points on the shape between the snap shots. This mode of the effect can be used to animate a shape across the display element. This mode can also be used to change the shape’s appearance. Make the shape bigger, smaller or changes it appearance. This mode of the effect can also be useful for layering operations.
Mode Restrictions:
- The same shape type (polygon, ellipse, line) must be used for the entire effect.
- When morphing polygons the number of points that make up the polygon must be the same across all snap shots.
Polygon Configuration
Polygon Color – Determines the color of the shape (polygon/ellipse/line) for the duration of the effect.
Polygon Intensity – Controls the brightness of the shape for the duration of the effect.
Fill Polygon – Determines if the Fill Type of the polygon (Solid or Outline).
17 - Pattern
Creates an effect that draws a pattern and animates it. The pattern is either a basket weave or bricks. This effect works the best on a matrix with a large pixel count.
String Setup
- Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview.
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Pattern Type - Selects the pattern (Weave or Brick) to animate.
Direction - Configures the direction of pattern movement.
- Moves Up - The pattern moves in a upward direction.
- Moves Down - The pattern moves in a downward direction.
- Vertical Expand - The pattern moves outward from the vertical center.
- Vertical Compress - The pattern moves in a motion that looks like they are compressing in the vertical middle.
- Moves Left - The pattern moves from right to left.
- Moves Right - The pattern moves from left to right.
- Horizontal Expand - The pattern moves outward from the horizontal center.
- Horizontal Compress - The pattern moves in a motion that looks like they are compressing in the horizontal middle.
- Center Compress - The pattern moves in a motion that looks like they are compressing in the middle.
- Center Expand - The pattern moves outward from the center.
Rotation - The rotation of the pattern. The pattern can rotate in either direction using the following mapping to the curve:
- 100 - 180 Degrees (Counter Clockwise)
- 75 - 90 Degrees (Counter Clockwise)
- 50 - No Rotation
- 25 - 90 Degrees (Clockwise)
- 0 - 180 Degrees (Clockwise)
Speed - Determines how fast the pattern moves.
Highlight - Creates a white highlighted leading edge on each weave bar or brick. This may not be highly visible in some cases when using location positioning.
Highlight % - Controls the percentage of the bar / brick that is highlighted. This control is only applicable when the effect is in Locations mode.
3D - Makes each color appear as a gradient fading to black.
Weave Configuration
Thickness - Controls the thickness of the weave bar. This value is a percentage of the display element.
Spacing - Controls the blank area between each weave bar. This value is percentage of the display element.
Advanced Sizing - Enables curves for controling the weave bar thickness and spacing. The horizontal and vertical weave bar thickness and spacing can be configured independently when in advanced sizing mode.
Horizontal Thickness - Controls the thickness of the horizontal weave bars. This value is a percentage of the display element.
Horizontal Spacing - Controls the blank area between each horizontal weave bar. This value is percentage of the display element.
Vertical Thickness - Controls the thickness of the vertical weave bars. This value is a percentage of the display element.
Vertical Spacing - Controls the blank area between each vertical weave bar. This value is percentage of the display element.
Brick Configuration
Brick Height - Controls the height of the bricks.
Brick Width - Controls the width of the bricks.
Mortar Height - Controls the height and width or mortar between bricks.
Rotate Brick - Rotates the bricks by 90 degrees.
Color (Weave)
Horizontal Gradients - The color gradients for the horizontal bars that make up the weave. The list supports gradients of solid, or varying colors. Gradients are applied over the width of the bar.
Vertical Gradients - The color gradients for the vertical bars that make up the weave. The list supports gradients of solid, or varying colors. Gradients are applied over the width of the bar.
Color (Brick)
Brick Colors - Controls the color of the bricks. The list supports gradients of solid, or varying colors. Gradients are applied across the bricks.
Mortar Color - Controls the color of the brick mortar. Gradients is sampled and applied over the duration of the effect.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Video Tutorial
18 - Picture
Creates an effect that imports a picture file to be displayed on a grid type prop. May also be used to apply a texture to an element of any configuration.
A great place to download seamless tiles is: They have a great system setup that allows you to customize the background to get almost anything you could want.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Type - Controls tye type of movement (None, Tiles, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up & Left, Down & Left, Up & Right, Down & Right, Peekaboo 0, Peekaboo 90, Peekaboo 180, Peekaboo 270, _Wiggle).
Center Stop - When selected, causes the image to stop at the center of the grid and then disappear. This setting is only applicable to Movement types Up, Down, Left and Right.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
X Offset - Shifts the image horizontally. This setting and the Y Offset can be used to animate the image with a user defined motion path.
Y Offset - Shifts the image vertically. This setting and the X Offset can be used to animate the image with a user defined motion path.
Picture Source - Selects between an embedded built-in image or selecting a file.
Embedded Pictures - Select from a collection of included pattern images.
*note, you may choose a eithe rcustom file, or embedded image, but not both. -
Stretch to Grid - Adjusts image diminesions to fit the grid size.
Scale to Grid - Enable to scale the image to fit your grid.
Effect Color
Color Effect - Selects the type of color/gradient applied to the picture (None, Custom Color, Gray Scale).
Color Gradient - Selects the color of the effect. Applicable when the Color Effect selection is Custom Color.
Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Increase Brightness - Increases the brightness of the image.
19 - Pinwheel
Creates an effect that makes a spiral that resembles a Pinwheel. You can control the number of arms that it has and the colors they will be. There are numerous options that control how the arms behave. This effect can be layered with other effects to produce complex effect combinations.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time between Speed and Iterations.
Movement - Controls variance of the motion over time.
Arms - Controls how many arms the wheel has.
Thickness - Determines how thick the arms are.
Size - Determines how big around the wheel is.
Twist - Determines how much the arms curve.
X Offset - Shifts the center of the wheel along the X-axis.
Y Offset - Shifts the center of the wheel along the Y-axis.
Center Hub - Determines how big the hub or hole in the center of the wheel is.
Rotation - Determines which direction the wheel spins (Forward, Backward).
Blade Type - Determines how the blade looks (Flat, 3D, Inverted 3D, Fan). There are 4 choices from a flat look to 3D looks and a fan blade look.
Color Type - Determines how the colors are applied to a blade. The gradient can traverse over time, over the length of the blade. There are options for random colors or a rainbow of colors.
Colors - Can be simple colors or gradients. Each color or gradient has a level to adjust it’s brightness over the duration of the effect. You can have one to many colors. The blades will rotate across the selected colors.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
20 - Plasma
Creates an effect that resembles plasma. The style and motion of the plasma can be configured by the effect settings.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Speed - Controls the speed of the motion.
Line Density - Controls the density of the pattern. The higher the setting, the smaller and tighter the plasma patterns appear.
Plasma Style - Selects between different variations of the plasma pattern.
- Color Type - Selects between different methods to apply colors to the effect.
- Custom - Uses one or more gradients to set the colors.
- Red & Green
- Green & Blue
- Rainbow
- Black & White
Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Gradients - Configure one or more colors or gradients to use when the color type is set to Custom.
21 - Shapes
Creates an effect that animates shapes on the display element.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Shape Source - Selects option for determining how shapes are added or removed. Options include None, Create Shapes from Mark Collection, Remove shapes from Mark Collection.
Mark Collection - Selects the mark collection for determining when to add or remove shapes as determined by the Shape Source setting.
Type - Selects the type of shape to display. There are built-in shapes organized by the following categories Geometric, Christmas, Halloween. There is also a File option to import a shape from an svg file.
File - Display a file selection dialog to select an svg file to use for the shape. This setting is only available when File Type is selected.
Geometric Shapes - Selects one of the built-in geometric shapes to animate.
Christmas Shapes - Selects one of the built-in Christmas themed shapes to animate.
Halloween Shapes - Selects one of the built-in Halloween themed shapes to animate.
Movement - Configures how shapes behave when reaching the edge of the display element between None, Bounce or Wrap.
Fade Type - Selects the type of shape fade type from None, In, Out or Random.
Size Mode - Selects how the shape changes size between Shrink, Grow, and Random.
Size - Determines the size of the shapes.
Size Variation - Randomly adjusts the shape size around the Size level by the amount of variation.
Count - Controls the number of shapes to be displayed.
Size Change - Enable increase/decrease of shape size based on size variation.
Scale To Grid - Sizes the shape to fill the display element. Shape motion is disabled with this option.
Random Angle - Randomly configures the rotation of the shape.
Random Size - Randomly adjusts the shape size.
Fill Color - Fills the shape with the Fill Color.
Shape Settings
Outline Dash Length - Controls the outline dash length of the shape, used with the Outline Space Length to draw the shape.
Outline Space Length - Controls the outline space length of the shape, used with the Outline Dash Length setting to draw the shape.
Outline Thickness - Controls the thickness of the shape outline.
Rounded Corners - Add rounded corners to the Geometric shapes.
Speed Settings
Speed - Controls the speed of the shape moving on the display element.
Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the speed around the Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Size Speed - Controls how fast the shape grows or shrinks.
Size Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the size speed around the Size Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Angle Speed - Controls the rotation speed of the shape.
Angle Speed Variation - Randomly adjusts the rotation speed around the Angle Speed level by the amount of the variation.
Fill Colors 1 - Controls the fill color of the shapes.
Outline Colors - Controls the outline color of the shapes.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
Video Tutorial
22 - Shockwave
Creates an effect that simulates the shockwave from an explosion, or the ripples of an object thrown into water.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and Locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Shape - Selects between a Circle or Diamond shaped shockwave.
Center X - Sets the horizontal position where the pattern is centered from. This control has a range of 0-100 where 50 is the horizontal center.
Center Y - Sets the vertical position where the pattern is centered from. This control has a range of 0-100 where 50 is the vertical center.
Radius - Controls the radius of the shockwave over the duration of the effect.
Scaled Radius - Scales the shockwave to the size of the element.
Width - Controls the width of the shockwave over the duration of the effect.
Acceleration - The increase in movement speed over the duration of the effect.
Color Gradient - The color or gradient used to color the effect. If a gradient is used, it is applied to the whole effect over the duration of the effect.
Blend Edges - When checked, adds smoothing to the leading and trailing edge of the ripple. When unchecked the ripple will have a hard edge.
23 - Snowflakes
Creates an effect that simulates falling snowflakes.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Snowflake Type - The number of tips on the snowflakes, or a random, mixed collection.
Include 45pt - When Random is selected, this option determines whether the large and complex 45pt flakes are included.
Motion - Controls the motion of the snowflakes between Falling, Random, Explode, Grid, and Grid Offset.
Fade - Controls the type of fade applied to each snowflake (None, In, Out, In/Out).
Snow Build-up - Allows the snowflakes to build up at the bottom of the display element.
Build-up Speed - Adjusts how fast the build up of snow is over the duration of the effect.
Initial Build-up - Sets the height level of the initial snow build-up at the bottom of the display element.
Min Angle - Minimum angle the snowflake moves. Applicable when the Motion is set to Random.
Max Angle - Maximum angle the snowflake moves. Applicable when the Motion is set to Random.
Speed - Controls the base speed of the snowflake motion.
Speed Variation - The amount of variation from the base speed for the snowflakes over the duration of the effect. This allows you to add some dynamic variation to the falling speed of the snowflakes. The speed will only deviate from the base speed by the rate set here.
Horizontal Flake Count - Controls the number of horizontal snowflakes.
Verical Flake Count - Controls the number of vertical snowflakes.
Flake Count - The number of snowflakes in the pattern over the duration of the effect.
Movement - Adjusts the type of movement.
Random Intensity - Uses a random Brightness/Intensity for each snowflake.
This category is visible when the Movement is set to Speed, Wobble, or Wobble Both Directions.
Horizontal Center Speed - Horizontal center speed.
Horizontal Speed Variation - Randomly adjust the speed around the Horizontal Center Speed by the amount of variation.
Vertical Center Speed - Vertical center speed.
Vertical Speed Variation - Randomly adjust the speed around the Vertical Center Speed by the amount of variation.
Wobble - Controls the wobble of the snowflakes. This setting is only applicable when the Movement is set to Wobble or Wobble Both Directions.
Wobble Variation - Randomly adjust the wobble around the Wobble level by the variance over the duration of the effect.
Color Type - Controls the Type of color.
- Range - Requires multiple colors/gradients. Flakes will appear in a range of colors bounded by the colors defined in the color/gradient lists.
- Palett - Snowflakes will appear in the specific color(s) defined in the color/gradient lists.
- Rainbow - Applies a cycling rainbow of color to each snowflake
- Alternate
Center Color - The color of the center point of each snowflake. When a gradient is used, each snowflake uses a fixed color centerpoint, but the centerpoint of each snowflake will be the color of the point in the gradient in time when that snowflake appears.
Outer Color - The color for the arms and tips of the snowflake. When a gradient is used, each snowflake uses a fixed color for the arms and tips, but the color of each snowflake will be the color of the point in the gradient in time when that snowflake appears.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
24 - Snowstorm
Creates an effect that mimics an intense snowstorm with snow falling sideways.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Speed - How fast the snowflakes move.
Count - How many snowflakes are in the effect at any given time.
Length - The length of the tail on each snowflake.
Reverse Direction - When checked, snowflakes move from left to right. When unchecked, snowflakes move from right to left.
Color Type - Controls the type of color for the snowstorm.
- Rainbow - Cycles through a rainbow of colors.
- Range - Each snowflake will be a single color selected from a range between the defined colors.
- Palette - Each snowflake will be one of the specific colors/gradients defined in the color list.
- Gradient - Uses gradients in the color list for each individual snowflake.
Color - Selects the color gradients used by Color Types Range, Pallette, and Gradient.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
25 - Spiral
This effect is best used on a megatree. When used on a megatree, it appears as a spiraled effect around the tree. When used on a flat matrix, it appears similar to the bars effect but with diagonal bars and space between the bars.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Direction - The direction of movement of the bands in the spiral pattern. Forward, Reverse or None.
Motion - Controls how the effect progresses across time between Speed and Iterations.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
Speed - Determines how fast the swirls move.
Repeat - The number of times the color pattern repeats per iteration.
Thickness - The thickness of each band. This value is a percentage range of 0-100%
Rotation - The angle of rotation of the bands. 0 is in the center and is vertical. The outer limits are -50 and 50 and represent a tilt of 50 degrees to the left or right.
3D - Applies a horizontal fade to each band.
Grow - Causes each band to start at the thickness specified above and grow to the maximum width.
Shrink causes each band to start at the maximum thickness and shrink to the thickness defined above.
Grow and shrink can be combined and used together. When used this way, it will first start at the specified thickness and grow to the maximum followed by shrinking from the maximum to the specified thickness.
Gradients - One or more gradients used to color the spiral bands.
Vertical Blend - When selected, gradients are applied vertically to the bands. When not selected, gradients are applied horizontally.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
26 - Spirograph
Creates an effect simulating the geometric patterns created by a children’’s spirograph geometric drawing toy. This effect creates moving flower type effects. When setting the controls for this effect, it is helpful to understand the actual toy it is based upon:
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Speed - The speed at which the pattern is drawn.
Outer Circle Radius - The radius of the inner circle.
InnerCircle Radius - The radius of the outer circle.
Spirographs - The number of circles (roulette curves) that make up the spirograph.
Distance - A fixed distance between the circles
Color Range - When color type is set to Standard, this defines what part of the range of colors is used.
Animate Distance - Uses a variable distance instead of a fixed distance. Creates a sense of growth in the pattern.
Color Type - Controls how color is applied to the effect.
- Standard - Uses the defined colors/gradients in order from center outward.
- Rainbow - Draws in completely random colors.
- Random - Uses only the defined colors randomly.
Gradients - One or more colors used to shade the effect.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
27 - Text
Creates an effect that displays text on the display element. The text can appear in any font. It can be static or moving.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Text Trigger - Controls how the text is triggered to be displayed.
- None - Uses standard text with no trigger.
- Mark Collection - Uses marks to trigger when words are shown.
- Mark Collection - Labels - Uses marks to trigger when words are shown but addtionally uses the label on the mark as the text.
Direction - The direction of the movement.
Iterations - The number of times the pattern repeats over the duration of the effect.
Mark Collection - Selects the Mark Collection to use to determine when words are displayed. Switching the Text Text Trigger to Mark Collections or Mark Collection - Labels allows each word in the text string be displayed on each Mark.
Text Duration - Adjust the way the duration is used between Auto Fit, Mark duration, and User defined.
Text Fade - Fades the text choosing between _None, _In, _Out, In/Out.
Time Visible Length (ms) - Shows each word for the selected period of time up until the next word. Applies to Text Duration set to User defined.
Repeat Text - When enabled will repeat the individual words if there are move Marks in the collection than the number of total words.
Direction Per Word - When enabled will move the text based on Direction over the duration of each displayed word.
Vertical Offset - The vertical offset to help center text vertically on the grid.
Center Stop - When enabled, causes the text to stop at the center of the grid and then disappear.
Text Color Gradients - One or more colors or gradients to be applied to the text. One color will be applied to each line of text.
Cycle Color per Character - Cycles through the color gradients for each character of the text.
Gradient Mode - Specifies how gradients will be applied to the text. There are 8 combinations of direction and how it’’s applied. The gradient can be applied across the letters of the text, or across the whole element group. If it is across the letters, the gradient will stay with the text. If it is across the element, it will appear that the text travels through the colors of the gradient.
Use Base Color - If selected, allows you to select a background color to appear behind the text.
Base Color - The color to use for the background.
Text Line(s) - One or more lines of text to display.
Font - Specifies the font, style and size to be used. You may use any font installed on the PC. Note that the fonts used must be installed on any PC where you will transfer this sequence.
Center Text - Centers the text.
Text Layout - The orientation of the letters. When Normal, the text appears normally. When set to Stacked, the letters are stacked vertically.
Intensity - The overall brightness envelope for the text itself over the duration of the effect.
Base Color Intensity - The overall brightness envelope for the background color over the duration of the effect.
Video Tutorial
28 - Tree
Creates an effect that simulates wrapping garland around a tree. This effect is best used on megatrees.
String Setup
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Speed: - How fast the garlands are drawn around the tree.
Overall Intensity - The overall intensity envelope of the entire effect over the duration of the effect.
Color - One or more colors or gradients to be applied to the text. One color will be applied to each line of text.
Intensity - The intensity of the tree background over the duration of the effect.
Branch Direction - The direction in which the branches are drawn (Up, Down, Left, Right, Up/Right, Up/Left, Down/Right, Down/Left, Alternate, None).
Branches - The number of branches to divide the tree into. Determines the number of garland rings to apply to the tree.
Color Type - How colors are applied to the garlands.
- Static - One color/gradient per garland level.
- Twinkle - Each pixel in the garland twinkles thru the defined colors.
- Alternate Segment - Each swagged segment of garland is colored alternately through the list of defined colors.
- Alternate Pixel - Each pixel is colored by rotating through the list of defined colors.
Color - One or more colors/gradients used to color the garlands around the tree.
Blend - Adjusts the amount of blending or tapering of each branch level.
Blend Direction - Determines the direction of the blend.
29 - Vertical Meter
Creates an effect that simulates Simulates a vertical audio meter. This is designed as a single string effect, but if it is applied to a grid, all strings will behave the same.
The origin of the meter is the starting point where it is drawn on the preview. So the preview should be drawn from the bottom up for it to appear as a normal vertical meter.
Hint: To get the meter to properly fit the element group, you should Start with the Zoom at max and then adjust the Gain starting at the low end working upward so that the loudest parts of the music have minimial visible effect. Then adjust the Zoom downward so that the softer parts of the music make the element light up most of the time.
Audio Sensitivity Range
Gain - This adjusts the sensitivity of the effect to the audio volume.
High Pass Filter - Applies a high pass filter to the audio before processing. A high pass filter allows frequencies above the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything below it. This represents the low end cutoff of the audio.
High Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the High Pass Filter. This value should be lower than that of the Low Pass Filter if it is being used.
Low Pass Filter - Applies a low pass filter to the audio before processing. A Low Pass filter allows frequencies below the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything above it. This represents the high end cutoff of the audio.
Low Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the Low Pass Filter. This value should be greater than that of the High Pass Filter if it is being used.
Normalize - Applies an audio normalizing filter to the audio before it is analyzed for use in the effect. This should be enabled for most uses.
Zoom - Scales the visual response to the audio.
Response Speed
Attack Time - How fast the effect responds to the audio. This adjusts the slope of the leading edge of the wave.
Decay Time - How long the effect lingers on the audio before dropping back down. This is the slope of the trailing edge of the wave.
Color Handling - Controls how the color is handled.
- Linear - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string. When this option is selected, The Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Discrete - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string using discrete colors. When this option is selected, the Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Custom - Uses a custom gradient to define the color range. Set up the custom gradient in the Color box below.
Custom Gradient - Controls the color of the effect.
Green Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the green color in the gradient.
Red Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the red color in the gradient.
Flip - Reverses the direction of the meter.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
- Levels Deep - Determines at which element grouping level to apply the effect.
30 - Video
Creates an effect that allows you to embed a video file to be played on your grid.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Movement Type - Choose between several options to move the video around the grid while it is playing.
Iterations - Controls the number of times the pattern repeats over the timespan.
Playback Speed - Allows you to speed up or slow down the playback of the video file.
X Offset - Moves the video horizontally.
Y Offset - Moves the video vertically.
Video Configuration
File Name - Select the file to use.
Color Type - Selects between Color or Grayscale.
Stretch to Grid - Adjuts the image dimensions to fit the grid size.
Scale to Grid - When enabled, resizes the video to fit the grid.
Intensity - The overall brightness envelope over the duration of the effect.
Advanced Configuration
Start Time - The number of seconds into the video file to start from. This helps to save time editing and trimming video files specifically for use with this effect.
Maintain aspect - Keeps the aspect ratio of the video when scaling it to fit. This will keep the proper shape of the video, but may result in blank bars.
Rotate Video - The angle of rotation to apply to the video.
Increase Brightness - Helps to brighten up dark video files.
31 - VU Meter
Create an effect that simulates a VU meter indicator light. This is designed as a single element effect. The whole element group will be the same color at any point in time. This effect, along with Vertical Meter and Waveform are all audio based effects. They use the actual audio associated with the sequence as the input for the effect. Because these effects must preprocess the audio before creating the effect, it may take a few extra moments to render the effect on the timeline whenever it moves or changes.
Hint: To get the meter to properly fit the element group, you should Start with the Zoom at max and then adjust the Gain starting at the low end working upward so that the loudest parts of the music have minimial visible effect. Then adjust the Zoom downward so that the softer parts of the music make the element light up most of the time.
Audio Sensitivity Range
Gain - This adjusts the sensitivity of the effect to the audio volume.
High Pass Filter - Applies a high pass filter to the audio before processing. A high pass filter allows frequencies above the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything below it. This represents the low end cutoff of the audio.
High Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the High Pass Filter. This value should be lower than that of the Low Pass Filter if it is being used.
Low Pass Filter - Applies a low pass filter to the audio before processing. A Low Pass filter allows frequencies below the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything above it. This represents the high end cutoff of the audio.
Low Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the Low Pass Filter. This value should be greater than that of the High Pass Filter if it is being used.
Normalize - Applies an audio normalizing filter to the audio before it is analyzed for use in the effect. This should be enabled for most uses.
Zoom - Scales the visual response to the audio
Response Speed
Attack Time - How fast the effect responds to the audio. This adjusts the slope of the leading edge of the wave.
Decay Time - How long the effect lingers on the audio before dropping back down. This is the slope of the trailing edge of the wave.
Color Handling - Controls how the color is handled.
- Linear - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string. When this option is selected, The Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Discrete - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string using discrete colors. When this option is selected, the Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Custom - Uses a custom gradient to define the color range. Set up the custom gradient in the Color box below.
Custom Gradient - Controls the color of the effect.
Green Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the green color in the gradient.
Red Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the red color in the gradient.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
32 - Wave
Creates an effect that produces waves on the display element. This effect works the best on a matrix with a large pixel count.
String Setup
Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.
Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
Waves - This list defines the waves in the effect. Waves can be added or removed via the Add and Remove buttons at the bottom of the list. The waves are ordered by number and layered on top of each other. The last wave will draw on top of all the other waves.
Wave Type - Determines the type of of waveform.
- Sine - Sinusoidal waveform.
- Triangle - Non-sinusoidal waveform named for its triangular shape.
- Square - Non-sinusoidal periodic waveform in which the amplitude alternates at a steady frequency between fixed minimum and maximum values, with the same duration at minimum and maximum.
- Decaying Sine - Sinusoidal waveform where the amplitude is decreasing over time.
- Fractal Ivey - Random growing ivey vine like growing pattern.
- Sawtooth - Non-sinusoidal waveform. It is named based on its resemblance to the teeth of a plain-toothed saw with a zero rake angle.
Use Marks - Enables the Mark Collection Name drop down to select a mark collection to determine when the Decaying Sine will bounce back to the normal amplitude.
Mark Collection Name - This optional setting determines when the Decaying Sine wave type rebounds back to the normal amplitude. If this setting is left empty the Decaying Sine will bounce back to the normal amplitude once the amplitude reaches zero.
Movement Type - Determines the movement of the waveform.
- Continuous - Continuous waveform that grows.
- Snake - Only portion of the waveform is shown which for sine wave type appears snake like. Once the waveform reaches the edge of the display element it wraps around to the other side.
- Grow and Shrink - The waveform grows to the edge of the display and then shrinks back to the opposite edge of the display.
Snake Length - Determines the length of the snake. This setting is only applicable when the Movement Type is Snake.
Prime Wave - By default the wave grows across the display element. This setting primes the waveform such that it fills the entire display element at the start of the effect.
Direction - Determines the direction of the waveform. This setting allows for multiple waveforms to move in opposing directions.
- Left To Right
- Right To Left
- Top To Bottom
- Bottom To Top
Mirror - Mirrors the waveform across an imaginary y-axis.
Frequency - Determines how many times the waveform repeats on the display element.
Phase Shift - Determines how far the waveform is shifted horizontally from the usual position. The phase shift is adjustable from zero to 180 degrees. This setting is useful to control the relative position of waveforms relative to each other.
Thickness - Determines the vertical thickness of the waveform.
Amplitude - Determines the height of the waveform.
Y Offset - Moves the waveform up or down in the display element.
Speed - Determines how fast the waveform moves. The speed determines how many columns of the waveform are rendered each frame. This setting is in columns (or pixels) where each 10 units in the curve editor equals 1 column.
Color - Determines the color of the wave over the duration of the effect.
Color Handling - Controls how the color gradient is applied to the wave. Selecting Along Wave colors each column of the wave by sampling the gradient for the duration of the effect. Selecting Across Wave uses the gradient to color each pixel that makes up the thickness of the wave.
33 - Waveform
Creates an effect that fills a display element with color based on the audio.
Audio Sensitivity Range
Gain - This adjusts the sensitivity of the effect to the audio volume.
High Pass Filter - Applies a high pass filter to the audio before processing. A high pass filter allows frequencies above the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything below it. This represents the low end cutoff of the audio.
High Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the High Pass Filter. This value should be lower than that of the Low Pass Filter if it is being used.
Low Pass Filter - Applies a low pass filter to the audio before processing. A Low Pass filter allows frequencies below the defined threshold to pass while blocking everything above it. This represents the high end cutoff of the audio.
Low Pass Frequency - The frequency (in Hz) to use for the Low Pass Filter. This value should be greater than that of the High Pass Filter if it is being used.
Normalize - Applies an audio normalizing filter to the audio before it is analyzed for use in the effect. This should be enabled for most uses.
Zoom - Scales the visual response to the audio.
Response Speed
Scroll Speed - How fast the color scrolls across the display element.
Attack Time - How fast the effect responds to the audio. This adjusts the slope of the leading edge of the wave.
Decay Time - How long the effect lingers on the audio before dropping back down. This is the slope of the trailing edge of the wave.
Color Handling - Controls how the color is handled.
- Linear - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string. When this option is selected, The Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Discrete - Applies a standard Green-Yellow-Red gradient to the string using discrete colors. When this option is selected, the Green and Red position sliders will be available to adjust the threshold where the color transitions.
- Custom - Uses a custom gradient to define the color range. Set up the custom gradient in the Color box below.
Custom Gradient - Controls the color of the effect.
Green Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the green color in the gradient.
Red Gradient Position - Controls the stop point for the red color in the gradient.
Reverse - Reverses the direction of the meter.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.
- Levels Deep - Determines at which element grouping level to apply the effect.
34 - Whirlpool
Creates an effect that draws a whirlpool. This effect works the best on a matrix with a large pixel count.
String Setup
- Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview.
- Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).
- Render Scale Factor - Determines the factor used to scale the Whirlpool matrix to the sparse matrix formed by the selected elements.
A value of 1 will provide the highest quality whirlpool. A larger scale factor can improve rendering speed with a potential tradeoff in image quality. This setting is only applicable when the Positioning is set to Locations.
Grid Panels
- Columns - Controls the number of columns of whirlpools on the display element.
- Rows - Controls the number of rows of whirlpools on the display element.
- Panel Spacing - Controls the spacing between the whirlpool panels on the display element as a percentage of the display element.
- Individual Configuration - Enables each individual whirlpool to be configured separately by displaying each whirlpool in the Whirls collection. If the top level Whirl Configuration settings are modified, those changes are applied to all whirl panels.
Whirl Configuration
Whirl Mode - Determines if the whirls are drawn as continous rings, concentric rings, or as a meteor travelling the whirlpool path.
- Continuous Whirls - Draw a continuous whirl.
- Concentric Whirls - Draws concentrics rings to form the whirlpool.
- Meteor - Draws a meteor following the whirlpool path.
Tail Length - Determines the length of the meteor as a percentage of the display element. Only applies when the Whirl Mode is set to Meteor.
Rotation - Configure the direction of rotation (Clockwise vs Counter-Clockwise) that the whirls are drawn.
- Clockwise - Whirls are drawn moving clockwise.
- Counter-Clockwise - Whirls are drawn moving clockwise.
Start Location - Controls the corner of the matrix where the whirls start from.
- Top Left - Whirls start in the upper left corner.
- Bottom Left - Whirls start in the bottom left corner.
- Top Right - Whirls start in the top right corner.
- Bottom Right - Whirls start in the bottom right corner.
Direction - Determines if the whirls are drawn moving In, moving Out, or In and Out.
- In - Draws the whirls moving in.
- Out - Draws the whirls moving out.
- In And Out - Draws the whirls moving in and then erases the whirls moving out.
Reverse Draw - Reverses the drawing of the whirl. The whirl is drawn complete and then is erased.
Spacing - Controls the amount blank area between each whirl as a percentage of the display element.
Thickness - Controls the thickness of the whirl as a percentage of the display element.
3D - Adds 3D shading to the whirls.
The whirl collection is only visible when Individual Configuration setting is selected. With the exception of Enabled all the settings of the whirls are documented in the section above.
- Enabled - Determines whether a particular whirl is visible. This settings helps determine which whirl is being modified.
Note if any of the top level Whirl Configuration settings are changed those settings will override any previous individual configuration of those specific settings.
Iterations - Determines how many times the whirls are drawn during the effect duration.
Pause At End - Determines the percentage of the effect’s duration that the completed whirls will be displayed.
X-Scale - Determines the size of the effect’s drawing area along the x-axis.
Y-Scale - Determines the size of the effect’s drawing area along the y-axis.
Vertical Offset - Controls the position of the effect’s drawing area on the display element in the y-axis.
Horizontal Offset - Controls the position of the effect’s drawing area on the display element in the x-axis.
Color Mode - Controls how color is applied to the whirlpool.
- Single Color - Applies a single color gradient to the whirlpool over the duration of the effect.
- Side Colors - Applies a unique color gradient to each side over the duration of the effect of the whirlpool.
- Color Rings - Iterates over a collection of color gradients and draws each ring with a separate color gradient over the duration of the effect.
- Color Bands - Applies a collection of colors to the whirlpool by drawing a small band of the whirlpool in each color.
Color - Color gradient applied to the whirlpool when in Single Color color mode.
Bottom Color - Color gradient applied to the bottom sides of each whirlpool when the Color Mode is Side Colors.
Left Color - Color gradient applied to the left sides of each whirlpool when the Color Mode is Side Colors.
Right Color - Color gradient applied to the right sides of each whirlpool when the Color Mode is Side Colors.
Top Color - Color gradient applied to the top sides of each whirlpool when the Color Mode is Side Colors.
Band Length - The length of each color band as a percentage of the display element when the Color Mode is Color Bands.
Colors - The collection of color gradients when the Color Mode is Color Rings or Color Bands.
- Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.